In conjunction with Just Play we will be offering drop-in events three or more times per week in the late evenings. We will also be offering lunchtime drop-in events.
These event is for both men and women and is on a first come first serve basis....
We would also appreciate you creating an account and signing the digital waiver. You can create an account and sign the digital waiver by clicking HERE.
To register for one of the drop-in events please download the Just Play App located HERE. Once you have downloaded the app you will be able to find the schedule and register for any upcoming drop-in events.
Note: Our parking lot is very small; please find directions and parking instructions HERE.

DISCLAIMER: Group organizer and assistant organizers assume no liability; play at your own risk. By being a member of this group you hereby agree to assume all risks and liability related to or resulting from any group functions. You agree that neither you nor any third party will hold any of the group's leaders, officers, or representatives liable for any injury, loss, or damage to your own person or any members of your family, friends, acquaintances, children, pets, or property, arising directly or as a consequence from a group activity. You also agree that your membership of this group is based on an "at will" basis.
Please contact us at info@theparksj.com or (408)915-0018 with any questions